New Website

New Website, Same Friendly Faces

We’ve recently been re-educated in some new things. Yes we still have some old dogs here but we’re learning.

One of the new things we learned is just how green hoop buildings are. So we had to write about that, of course. Then, we found out that more of you are using your cell phone to visit us so we changed our navigation to make it easier for you!

Maybe the most important thing we found out though is that our annual “End of Season Sale” is going to be earlier and run longer this year. The boss says that, with the crazy weather we’ve had this year, you never know when Winter will hit and make building hoops harder so we’re not taking chances.

We’ll let you know when the sale actually starts and tell you all about it then. In the meantime, enjoy our new website and let us know how you like it if you can find the time.