All Kinds of Livestock are Happy in a Hoop Barn
One of the most common uses of hoop barns is to house animals. Hoop buildings provide just the right conditions for most livestock at a low cost. Fabric buildings protect your livestock and your equipment while naturally improving ventilation and providing filtered light that makes a better place to be for both animals and people .
Hogs in Hoops
Pigs were one of the first animals to be housed in hoop barns in the United States. Iowa State University did a lot of research and found that not only were membrane structures economical but they were also very efficient for raising deep bedded hogs.
There are still many independent producers raising hogs in hoops both large and small.
We have a lot of information available about pork production in fabric buildings. If you have questions about setting up a farrowing or other pig farming building, just ask.
Beef and Dairy Cattle

We live where there are a lot of dairies so, of course, some of our first buildings were for dairy cattle. We built a large free stall barn for the then head of the state dairy association and he was thrilled with its performance. Many other dairies in South Dakota and the surrounding area followed with hoop sheds and even hoop milking parlors.
Our beef cattle and feedlot neighbors quickly caught on to the great deal that hoop structures are and soon we were building many barns for them also. Even small producers could see a noticeable difference in the health and happiness of their herds.
We go on at great length on other pages about how great hoop structures are for cows. If you’d like help with your plans, give us a call.
Sheep Suitable Structures
Sheep and goats need cool , dry housing to thrive. Fabric buildings can be ventilated in many ways: top, sides and ends; that makes them ideal for sheep.
A hoop barn is a clear span structure which means there are no interior post or walls to interfere with designing your pens or moving them to accommodate your flock.
Horse Heaven in a Hoop Building
An indoor horse riding arena has to be a pretty large building if it’s to be of any use at all. Many customers include a stable in their hoop building.
Please see our arena page for our recommendations for a horse arena building.
Birds in Hoop Houses
Yes, birds love hoop buildings and do great housed in them. We’ve seen everything from chickens to ostriches housed in fabric structures and thriving.
As anyone who’s been around a large birding operation can tell you, a place for birds needs ventilation and lots of it! You have that in a hoop structure and also all important daylight to keep your birds on track.